Monday, November 14, 2016

The poems of our daily lives

The daily life is a poem written not in words, but in actions, whose rhymes are not made from syllables, but from the feelings we choose to color our day, whose authors are each of us and whose readers are the people with which we interact. But unlike any other poem, our daily life can mingle with our beloved’s one to create waltzing lyrics, jointed meaning and an amplified echo of experiences. 

My daily life with you it’s not a routine, but it’s life itself at its highest peaks, in its raw and pure form, in its intense and miraculous existence. All the little things in all the little days become giants events and great pieces of art that, even though they might not be expressed in words, they are whispered by the hands that caress, they are screamed by the eyes that absorb, they are sing by the heart that melts, they are painted by the mind that is mesmerized.

Let’s try to write together our daily life poems with our love as the muse and our actions as the ink and try to cause a smile for the most important readers of these poems: the future us!